All resources are for educational purposes only. The links do not constitute medical advice.
The best source for information specific to your own health is to be seen by your doctor. We do our best to select high quality resources but do not have control or responsibility over the content on other sites. Please use at your own risk.
Stay up to date with current recommendations about COVID-19 from reputable sources. If you have questions about your own health, please book a virtual appointment to discuss.
If you are having difficulties breathing, please call 911 to get emergency care.
You have amazing power to improve your own health by eating well, moving your body regularly and choosing to not smoke. – a great website to help you stop smoking
Physical Activity Tips from Health Canada
These are good quality resources for taking care of yourself and your baby during pregnancy.
Prenatal Genetic Screening Information
Reproductive Mental Health Site – good resources for depression or anxiety in pregnancy and postpartum
Learn tips to have the best experience with your virtual medical visit. Scroll below to watch of video of how to use our virtual visit site.
Virtual medical visits can be accessed by booking through the office or without an appointment during our drop-in hours (Mon-Thurs 10am-noon).
Please note: These visits are only for current patients of our practice. If you are not a patient of this practice, you will not be seen.
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